Student-centered learning, with a humanistic perspective that recognizes individual strengths and is responsive to personal challenges.

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Our pedagogical approach integrates Social Constructivism, Humanism, and Positive Discipline.

We promote holistic growth and consider the unique circumstances and individual experiences of our learners. We foster the intrinsic desire of each individual to achieve their potential by creating a sense of belonging. We implement student-centered methodologies and foster a Growth Mindset. Students actively contribute to creating norms for collaboration, and we prioritize the wellbeing of each member of our learning community.

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Individuals have the desire and potential to grow and transcend using their strengths, exploring their creativity, and exercising their will and agency. Personal history, family circumstances, as well as social and cultural backgrounds contribute to the uniqueness of each individual, which in turn allows them to shine with autonomy and responsibility.

Social Constructivism

Learning is actively and collaboratively constructed through meaningful and contextualized experiences. Our pedagogy is responsive to development, builds on prior knowledge, and adequately challenges students. Learners take an active role in problem-solving and use feedback to guide their own learning.

Positive Discipline

Solution-oriented approach that respects everyone’s dignity. It is firm and kind; compassionate, considerate, and encouraging. It seeks to create meaningful connections and democratically develop norms for collaboration. It fosters a sense of belonging and validation through unconditional acceptance. It promotes self-regulation, the development of social skills, character strength, and is effective long-term.

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The student is the focus of instruction and their voice matters. Our educational proposal is responsive to developmental stages and student needs. Our model and programs are research- based, founded on best educational practices, and every decision is made with the student best interest in mind. By focusing on the student, learning is meaningful, contextualized, and intentionally differentiated. Our goal is to facilitate the learning of life-long skills.

Language Immersion

We offer immersion in English, being the language in which students interact 80 to 90% of the time. In addition to bilingualism, language immersion contributes to the cognitive development of skills such as cognitive flexibility, non-verbal communication, problem solving, and critical thinking. Immersion in the English language allows us to master it through exposure to vocabulary, grammatical structures, and idiomatic expressions in a natural context not only in the academic setting, but also during breaks, recesses, while playing, and through artistic exploration.

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